Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service has responded to more than 24,000 false fire alarms in five years.

Between April 2019 and now, the fire service was called to 24,145 false alarms, which has put a strain on resources and finances.

The figures, obtained by Personal Injury Claims UK, show the service had to respond to between four thousand and six thousand false alarms each year, averaging between ten and fifteen incidents daily.

In the 2019-2020 period, the service attended 4,040 false alarms, the lowest number in the last five years.

This figure was similar the following year, with a slight increase to 4,173, which was attributed to the lockdowns and restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2021-2022, the number of false alarms rose to 4,936, and further increased to 5,118 in 2022-2023.

The past year saw a notable rise in false alarm calls, with the total reaching 5,878 in 2023-2024.

Common causes of these false alarms include faulty equipment, poorly designed devices, lack of maintenance, cooking fumes, steam from showers, dust from repairs, and aerosols used near sensors.

Faulty equipment has been a significant cause of callouts in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, with the number fluctuating each year since 2019-2020.

The fire service has issued guidance on preventing false alarms, which account for 38 per cent of incidents attended nationwide.

False alarms cost the UK around £1 billion annually, as per a study by the BRE Group.

If this trend continues, false alarms may pose an ongoing risk to public safety and hinder the effectiveness of emergency services.

Personal Injury Claims UK provides free advice and support to individuals affected by fires, including those injured due to faulty products or appliances.

They offer a 24-hour helpline and online claim form, available on their website.

A statement written on the fire service’s website said: "False alarms waste valuable time and resources that could be spent responding to other calls, saving lives, and supporting the community.

"Some ways to prevent false alarms include making sure the fire alarm design is suitable for the premises and ensuring the alarm system is properly maintained and tested regularly."