MPs in Hampshire have spoken out after the number of pensioners who received the winter fuel payment last year has been revealed by the Government.

Findings in the report published by the Department for Work & Pensions say that last winter, 28,488 residents claimed the winter fuel payment in Southampton Itchen and Southampton Test.

This comes after the new Labour government passed a motion to make the payment means tested after a vote in the Commons on September 10.

Here is the full list across the south of Hampshire:

  • New Forest East - 22,472
  • New Forest West - 27,052
  • Romsey & Southampton North - 21,632
  • Southampton Test - 13,432
  • Southampton Itchen -15,056
  • Eastleigh - 18,107
  • Hamble Valley - 19,613
  • Fareham - 23,277
  • Gosport - 21,452

MPs across the region have offered their thoughts on the number of people claiming the winter fuel payment in their constituency.

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Hamble Valley MP, Paul Holmes, said: “Let me put it this way: 18,000 people in my constituency rely on the winter fuel payment, as do thousands of Labour members’ constituents.

“When we go to the ballot box in four years’ time, I look forward to Labour members standing up and explaining to those pensioners why they made them poorer.”

MP for Southampton Itchen, Darren Paffey and MP for Southampton Test, Satvir Kaur were approached for comment.

Previously, Darren Paffey released a statement after voting in favour of the government's winter fuel payment changes.

He said: “Means-testing will ensure that support reaches the least well-off pensioners who need it the most.

“I understand this is a difficult decision and these changes may not please everyone, but they are necessary for securing the country’s financial future.”

Gosport MP, Caroline Dinenage said: “Age UK estimate that 15,000 pensioners in the Gosport Constituency alone will lose their winter fuel allowance this year.

“These are not wealthy people, in many cases they are holding on by their fingertips.

"It’s a cruel blow; people who have worked all their life and paid their way should not have to choose between eating and heating this winter.”

A spokesperson for the Romsey MP Caroline Nokes said: “Caroline has been contacted by hundreds of concerned constituents regarding the removal of the winter fuel allowance, with many expressing serious worries.

“Caroline urges anyone not currently in receipt of Pension Credit to apply as soon as possible, as this can help unlock further support.”