The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

LUKASZ MAKOWSKI, 39, of Cheriton Avenue, Southampton was found guilty of failing to give information relating to the identification of a driver. Makowski was banned for one year and received six points plus a £180 fine. He must also pay £400 court costs. 

FARRID RAJAB, 38, of Lawn Road, Southampton was found guilty of possessing an offensive weapon in a private place, namely a knuckleduster. He was jailed for 28 days. The court ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the knuckleduster. 

GARY ILES, 47, of Firgrove Road, Southampton admitted assault by beating and causing criminal damage to a clock at an address in Firgrove Road. He received a four-month sentence suspended for 24 months with an alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement and 20 rehabilitation days. 

Read our previous court round-up here

ADAM BARNES, 40, of Peartree Avenue, Southampton pleaded guilty to drink driving on Bitterne Road East. He was caught with 102 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Barnes was banned for 24 months and must pay a £1,000 fine. He must also pay £85 court costs and a £400 surcharge. 

EMMA BAILEY, 33, of Kathleen Road, Southampton admitted drink driving in a Ford Focus at Marlands Car Park in Southampton. She received a one-year community order with 20 rehabilitation days, a 24-month driving ban and a £350 fine. Bailey must pay £85 court costs and a £114 surcharge. 

LEWIS COOMBS, 32, of Lower Brownhill Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to drug driving a Ford on Bursledon Road, Southampton. He was caught with benzoylecgonine in his blood - a breakdown product of cocaine. Coombs also admitted driving without insurance. He was disqualified for two years and fined £750. Coombs must also pay £85 court costs plus a £300 surcharge.