A delivery man turned detective has recovered his stolen bike just days after it was pinched on a Southampton Street. 

Father-of-two, Shakeel Ahmed Khan took matters into his own hands when his £1,250 electric bike was stolen on Queens Way. 

The 36-year-old Uber Eats worker had been picking up an order from Mike's Fish and Chips when the thief grabbed his bike from outside on Wednesday evening (September 25). 

The part-time dock worker ran out of the chippy but it was too dark and the track-suit-wearing culprit had already taken off. 

Shakeel parked his bike outside a fish and chip shop on QueenswayShakeel parked his bike outside a fish and chip shop on Queensway (Image: Submitted)

But after reporting the incident to the police, Shakeel, who still had the keys to the bike, took matters into his own hands. 

He obtained CCTV of the incident and said he knew the thief would need to take it to a locksmith in order to get the electric bike working again.

Shakeel added: "I started by calling all the repair shops and locksmiths I could find the city – three had a call about a lost key and one was able to give me a phone number."

Using the art of subterfuge, he posed as a locksmith and reached out to the mobile number he received, gaining an address. 

The delivery man then approached the individual, who was indeed in possession of his Sheng Mi Lo electric bike.

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The bike was taken while the delivery man was picking up an orderThe bike was taken while the delivery man was picking up an order (Image: Submitted)

Shakeel added: “I was told the thief had sold it to the man I approached for £60 – I didn’t care what the situation was, I just wanted my back so I could provide for my children.

"So, I gave him £60 and was reunited with my bike - I could finally take a real sigh of relief.

"This bike is like my bread and butter – its really important to me as it is how I make a lot of my income.

“When I work Friday night and the weekend, I can make up to £100 a day – helping me provide for my two children."

Hampshire Constabulary confirmed it had launched an investigation into the stolen bike shortly before it was recovered on Friday (September 27).