Residents in one Southampton neighbourhood are requesting a meeting with the council after being told they risk being fined for parking on their own driveways.

Residents of Mansfield Park Street in Harefield say that have been targeted by overzealous parking wardens since the council painted double yellow lines through the estate three years ago.

Maciej Gawlik, who has lived on the estate for eight years, is one of those to be told that he risks being fined should he park on his driveway and any part of the car touch a double yellow line.

He is now calling on the council to hold a public meeting with residents to address their concerns and stop "harassment to residents by parking wardens".

Residents say they have been served £30 parking charges, which if not paid within two weeks, will be increased to £70.

Yellow lines were painted through the estate three years ago Yellow lines were painted through the estate three years ago (Image: NQ) In the 43-year-old's complaint to the council, Maciej said: "Since the council took control of this area several years ago, residents have been penalized for parking on their own driveways because the original design of Mansfield Park provided insufficient parking options."

READ MORE: Price hikes in Southampton council car parks begin

The residents called upon the local authority to set up a meeting with council representatives to discuss these issues and for all fines currently being issued to be stopped.

Maciej said: “We have a resident who recently underwent hip surgery and requires daily assistance from a visitor who has been fined for parking while delivering essential groceries.

“The Mansfield Park community is strong, and we will not stand idly by while our rights are trampled. We are prepared to fight for our basic right to function in our daily lives.

“This is not a fight against the council, but a fight for our fundamental rights.

“We look forward to your prompt response and hope that you will address this matter with the seriousness it deserves.”

The council were approached for comment.

Residents of the road have said that the road was not built with bigger cars and growing families in mind despite being built for first time buyers.