Parents and carers have been warned after two adults are said to have attempted to tried to steal a child's bike as they made their way home from school.

The incident is believed to have occurred when the student was on their way home from Hounsdown School on Monday, September 30.

The school informed parents and carers that the incident is being investigated by police.

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In a letter to the children’s parents and guardians, a spokesperson for Hounsdown School said: “We are raising to your awareness a concern raised to us this afternoon that a student was approached by two adults after school tonight who then attempted to steal their bike.

“The young person is safe, and the issue is being reported to police. We are advising all students who remain in school at clubs etc to contact home in the first instance if they intend walking or riding home.

“Any students who have a concern about getting home this evening are welcome to stay in school whilst waiting for parents and carers.”

They added: “We will update with any further information as and when necessary.”