A Southampton couple stole £3,700 from a family friend who trusted them to walk her dogs.

Louise Smith and Katie Bell left 62-year-old Maureen McCormick feeling "betrayed" when they stole £3,741 from her Acacia Road house. 

Southampton Magistrates' Court heard Maureen, a friend of Smith's mother, was holding on to the money for a club and was forced to pay it back afterwards. 

The incident took place on September 16 last year when the pair, both of International Way, went to her home on several occasions to walk her dogs. 

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In a statement read out in court, Ms McCormick said she is upset by the incident and can "no longer trust anyone". 

She added: "I feel betrayed by two people I trusted and let into my home.

"I knew Smith for approximately seven years. Any time ever she has needed money I had given it to her.

"I have had to reimburse the club's money from my own pocket."

Magistrate chair Amanda Cooper said the offence is aggravated due to a "degree of planning" and a "breach of trust". 

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Smith wept in the dock but was comforted by Bell while the pair awaited their sentence. 

She received a 12-month community order with 25 rehabilitation days. 

Bell, 33, received an 18-month order with 20 rehabilitation days and a 12-month primary care mental health treatment requirement.

Both women must pay £1,870.50 in compensation each.  

Barry Keel, mitigating for Smith, said she had become "estranged" from her family since the incident and is "anxious to make good".

"She stole from her mother’s friend. Someone she regarded as almost as a family member herself.

"Certainly she has taken steps herself over the intervening year or so to address those issues.

"She tells me she has not taken Class A drugs since being challenged with the offence."

Smith, 26, had struggled with an alcohol and drug addiction and had "overwhelming financial difficulties", the court was told. 

Mark Rigby, representing Bell said she suffers with mental health difficulties. He said she made "full and frank admissions" when interviewed by police. 

"It is something of a mystery as to why the offence happened," he said. "There were and there still are no drink or illicit substance issues.

"There is some insight on behalf of Ms Bell for the upset she has caused for taking that money and she has to put it right."