A man who claimed he won more than £1,000 at a casino must now use it to pay off court fees after he was caught with cannabis that same night. 

Ibrahim Jama, 30, was stopped by police in Southampton after officers observed what was thought to be a 'classic street deal'. 

They pulled up and searched the vehicle and its occupants, finding five wrapped bags of cannabis plus more than £1,000 in cash. 

The incident took place at around 7.15pm on April 6, 2023. 

Southampton Crown Court heard how Jama was arrested and when interviewed, delivered a prepared statement claiming he had won the money earlier that night at a casino. 

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He said he bought the cannabis with that money and was on his way to a party where he was going to share it out with a small group of friends. 

He later pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cannabis.

Prosecutor Holly Fagan said the cannabis found had a street value of around £140 to £160, adding that a number of messages concerned with drug dealing were found on his phone. 

But mitigating Keely Harvey told the court that this was a message he had been sent which he had then forwarded on to his friends. 

She said her client has "regret that he is seen as a dealer when what he thought he was doing was not dealing.

"It would be to that limited number of people. His benefit being he can get that cannabis that bit cheaper because he is buying in bulk.

"He would often say 'Look does anyone want to go in on this?' It would be to a limited number of friends."

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Jama, of Nichols Road, Southampton, received an eight-month sentence suspended for 18 months and must complete 180 hours of unpaid work plus 20 rehabilitation days. 

He must pay £1,327 court costs which will be taken from the seized cash. 

An order was made for the deprivation of a mobile phone that was also seized and for the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis. 

Judge Nicholas Rowland said: "It is unfortunate that police arrested him when he was still in possession of his winnings. 

"[This is] a serious offence of being concerned in the supply of cannabis."

Jama's barrister said he is currently taking exams to allow him to work in the UK after he was brought to the country by his family and is currently living with his uncle.

She added: "He is quite prepared to do what it required to come away from being a user of cannabis.

"He is also in the process of making himself employable here. He wants to be in a position where he could work.

"He is trying to do the right things. He is trying to put everything in order."

Jama only has one previous conviction for not paying a train fare in 2012.