I’m not surprised Bitterne Road West residents have started a petition for speed cameras.

The latest incident could so easily have been much worse, and it’s shocking how many crashes there have been on this stretch of road.

However, I’m not sure another speed camera is the answer.

The single lane experiment ground traffic to a halt, and there seemed to be as many crashes in the resulting logjam as there are now.

The issue clearly isn’t speed alone. Bitterne Road West just isn’t safe. It’s not safe for residents, drivers, or pedestrians.

READ MORE: Senior councillor backs calls for average speed cameras after huge crash

Bitterne Road West is a major arterial road into our city centre, and the road experiences heavy traffic throughout the day. Yet it’s badly lit, pedestrian crossings are inadequate, and safety signage is poor.

I walked home along the road just now, and the dangerous bend by the park was dark.

Railings there never withstand a crash. The section by the bridge regularly floods.

And every day you see mums with kids running across the road because there aren’t enough crossings.

Southampton’s economy and population relies on Bitterne Road West. Our city needs to make this vital route safer, and fit for purpose. 

Jon Walters
