CHANDLER’S Ford Snooker Club now has its very own page 3 girl.

Hampshire golden girl Suzie Opacic featured in Tuesday’s Echo after winning her fight to overturn the ‘no women’ rule in two of Southampton’s social clubs’ snooker rooms.

It was quite a week for our Suzie. She celebrated her 19th birthday on the Thursday (apparently, she was minus 12 when I was 18). And the following day beat Romsey raider Lynda Gussin to regain the club’s ladies’ championship.

The final finished at 15 minutes past midnight and Suzie was back at the club less than nine hours later mopping the floor ready for the first junior league.

Details of what happened between the presentation of the trophy and the presentation of the mop and bucket are only now beginning to emerge.

In fact, it’s been quite a year or so. Three appearances on TV, the World Ladies’ Junior title, 12th place on the WLBSA circuit, a sponsorship deal with David Andrews Web Design and a major story in the Echo which was picked up by TV, radio, many local papers, the Daily Mirror, CueSport magazine, various websites and even Pool and Billiard magazine in the US.