FINAL Roll-Up night. The biggest night in the Chandler’s Ford Snooker Club calendar.

The great and the good gathered to watch the late-night drama unfold as one player left with £1,000 and the other top five money winners over all 102 tournaments had to settle for a share of £1,500.

But in the bar sat a young lady who didn’t appear to be quite with it. Suzie Opacic explained that she returned from six days whale and dolphin watching just half-an-hour ago.

With a wistful look in her eyes, Suzie was back on the bridge of the MV Athena with the Biscay Dolphin Research Programme working 14-hour plus shifts spotting and cataloguing over 1,000 dolphins and whales.

This was Suzie’s sixth whale watching trip. Former snooker professional Neil ‘King of Side’ Davies drove the WLBSA No. 12 to Falmouth. The ship cruised to the Bay of Biscay and back up to Southern Ireland before heading home.

And she was seasick only once.

The problem was she forgot to go to bed on the last night.

After a 5am start on Wednesday, the team hit the bar in the evening and stayed up talking until someone remembered at 3.45am that they had to clear their cabins by 4am.

By 2am on Friday as the presentation finished and the club began to clear, and Sandy-behind-the-bar had long since departed after giving her legs their yearly outing, and after 45 hours without sleep, our Suzie headed home looking slightly dazed and confused.