WITH hair and facial fuzz long overdue a trim I was beginning to look like an extra out of TV series Lost. It was starting to become clear on nights out that women don’t go for the ‘dragged through a hedge backwards’ look. Something had to be done.

With this in mind, I checked myself in to Southampton’s premier male grooming salon, Equinox, to be looked after by two gorgeous women, both of whom quickly confirmed my suspicions that the sleeping rough on the streets look wasn’t doing my chances with the ladies any good.

Billing itself as the ‘Rolls-Royce’ of male grooming, I thought it best to check out the host of services for the metrosexual man.

What is a metrosexual man I hear you cry? Footballer David Beckham and rugby international Gavin Henson are prime examples of men who take care of their looks; so giving the metrosexual male look a try was certainly not going to do me any harm.

The salon itself is a sanctuary for the typical bloke. There is a gentlemen’s lounge with a 42in LCD TV where you can watch the football, have a drink, play some Xbox or just chill out on the luxury leather chairs while you wait your turn.

But before I could pick up the Xbox controller I was taken downstairs to the massage room to get a Swedish massage from holistic therapist Victoria Whitlock.

After a long, stressful day at work the massage worked a treat. For 30 minutes I had my shoulders, neck and back rubbed and it was probably the best massage I’ve ever had.

Had it not been for the photographer taking flash pictures there was a good chance I would have fallen asleep.

But before I could get my head down I was treated to a deluxe shave from salon owner Kerri Beale.

Kerri set about lathering me up before getting to work with a cut-throat razor on my rubbish attempt at growing a beard.

I was given a bit of a facial massage, had moisturiser applied and my face wrapped up in a hot towel. Again I could have nodded off but the laughter from the Daily Echo photographer snapping away reminded me that I looked like an Egyptian mummy.

But one smooth as a baby’s bum shave later I was ready to get hair sorted out. Having only the previous day taken the mickey out of someone at work for having their hair straightened, I found myself on the receiving end of a pair of GHDs.

Twenty minutes later I had a new, stylish barnet that didn’t make me look like Chewbacca. So with all the stress taken out of my shoulders, a clean shave and a new haircut I felt pretty damn good. The whole treatment had taken just over two hours and I’ll more than likely be going again.

Kerri, who opened the salon in Oxford Street in April, said: “We get all sorts of men coming here including businessmen, footballers, builders and teenagers.

We had one guy who came a few weeks ago who brought eight of his mates along with him and they watched TV in the lounge while waiting for him to have his hair cut.

“It’s a great place for men to come where they can have a bit of fun. They can listen to whatever music they like, watch a bit of sport or even play some computer games.”

Kerri very kindly added that I should have no problem chatting up the ladies now with my new look. But she obviously hasn’t seen the shapes I throw on the dancefloor at the Orange Rooms on a Saturday night...

n Equinox, 19 Oxford Street, Southampton, SO14 3DJ. Tel: 023 8023 4133. Prices start at £16.50 for a shave, £25.50 for a haircut and £30 for a massage.