ADULTS with a passion for drama can indulge their love of performing with a series of weekly workshops being held at Badger Farm Community Centre in Winchester.

The workshops are designed not only to develop acting skills but to help build confidence in everyday life or around the workplace.

The May Include Nuts adult drama group is led by experienced professional director Noel Jones.

The sessions will use theatre games, improvisation, devising, text-based work and other drama techniques and take place in a small group of adults. Ages range from 18 upwards and include participants from every decade.

Nicola Peacock, education manager at Theatre Royal Winchester, which is organising the workshops, said: “It’s never too late to develop self-confidence and what better way to do it than in a fun and safe environment?

“Participants enjoy the chance to take risks and step out of their ordinary selves, to take on a persona or a role and the results are massively rewarding.” To sign up, contact the Theatre Royal’s education department on 01962 844600.

The workshops take place on Wednesday evenings commencing January 14 from 7.30-9pm and cost £78 per term.