WITH spring finally beckoning, Hampshire’s amphibian inhabitants have begun returning to ponds in search of a mate.

Hampshire Amphibian and Reptile Group, one of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust’s species groups, wants to hear from anyone who spots a common frog.

Sightings will be entered onto an amphibian and reptile database and will help the trust monitor and conserve the species.

In 2008, the Trust received just 85 sightings of common frogs, far less than expected.

Natalie Rogers, the trust’s biodiversity information officer, said: “Recorders often think that we wouldn’t want to know about the common species such as frogs, but we do.”

During the winter common frogs hibernate in compost heaps, under stones and logs, or underwater beneath piles of mud and decaying leaves.

On average, only five out of every 2,000 eggs will survive to become adults. Hop onto hwt.org.uk/pages/ speciesgroup-recording- form.html to submit sightings.