BARRIE Foley has been appointed today as interim chief executive for the New Forest National Park Authority.

He replaces Lindsay Cornish who quit last week after an anonymous letter criticising her management style was sent to one of Britain's top civil servants.

It was purported to have been written by some members of staff at the authority.

Mr Foley's major task will be to oversee the redrafting of a controversial blueprint for the Forest's future, which includes dog-free car parks, curbs on horse keeping and the possibility of road tolls.

It has provoked a revolt across the Forest with thousands of objections and three separate groups set up to fight it.

It is due to be rewritten by the end of October.

Mr Foley, 51, has more than 30 years' business experience, including 16 in managing director or chief executive roles. He also founded and ran his own company.

Most recently Mr Foley has worked on environmental projects for international businesses. Earlier in his career he worked for major international companies such as the Mars Corporation and Exxon Petroleum based at Fawley.

Mr Foley moved to the New Forest in 1985 and now lives in Pennington. He is married with five children. He enjoys walking the family dog in the New Forest, rugby and golf.

Mr Foley said: "I live in the New Forest and I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with and give something back the local community. I am passionate about keeping the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Forest but at the same time recognise the need to manage change.

"I am aware of some of the issues the National Park faces. I am keen to take up this challenge because I firmly believe that the National Park is good for the New Forest and hope I can help to demonstrate that to others."