A MAN was caught in a Hampshire pub trying to sell pornographic DVDs.

The explicit films were found alongside bootleg copies of mainstream movies that Zheng-Nan Lin was offering for as little as £1.

Lin, 41, of Peckham, south London, had a total of 237 DVDs in a bag when he was spotted in the Fox pub, Gosport, on June 26.

Of those, 37 were X-rated.

Chinese national Lin, who also admitted being in the country illegally, pleaded guilty to three charges of possessing extreme pornography, and two counts of selling articles infringing copyright.

At Portsmouth Crown Court, Judge Ian Pearson gave him the shortest possible sentence for his offences, telling Lin he was clearly the “bottom of the chain” and taking into account his guilty pleas.

He sentenced him to 37 weeks for each of the copyright breaches and 13 weeks for each pornographic offence, all to run concurrently and with 95 days taken off for time already spent in custody.

Lin will be detained after his sentence and deported.