EVERY Christmas excited children queue up to get their picture taken with Santa Claus – now they can get a snap of themselves holding baby Jesus.

The holy photo shot is being held at Eastleigh Baptist Church in a mock stable with a manger, wise men and even a mechanical donkey that turns its head.

Those going will get to dress up as Joseph, Mary or one of the wisemen and get a photograph of themselves as part of a real life nativity scene. Rev Jonathan Hunt said: “This is about celebrating Jesus’ birthday and having fun. I suppose in some ways it’s also a bit of an advert to say to people the church is here and this is what we do.

“The idea has been really well received and loads of little girls wants to be Mary and lots of families are looking forward to having their photo taken.”

The idea is part of the Get in the Picture scheme run by the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

All the people going have their picture taken by a church representative and the shoot is put on the website and can be downloaded free as a keepsake.

The stable will be welcoming visitors from 10am to 2pm today.

There will also a table top penny sale and a stall with information about upcoming church events including a community carol concert on Sunday evening.

A Baptist Union spokesman said: “Get in the Picture is a new ecumenical, evangelistic project that seeks to involve all kinds of people in the Christmas story, encouraging them to participate and experience being part of the nativity in a fun way.”