THESE are the horrifying injuries sustained by a Hampshire woman subjected to a brutal unprovoked attack in her own home.

Andrew Wood had only been released from a young offenders’ institution two days before he launched the vicious and sustained assault on the woman, repeatedly punching and kicking her, as well as hitting her with a plate and belt.

The 19-year-old, who has a string of ten previous convictions for violence stretching back to 2003, was yesterday locked up indefinitely because he poses such a high risk to the public.

His victim, who the Daily Echo is not naming, says she has been left terrified of strangers and afraid to leave her home unaccompanied.

She suffered a broken wrist, fractured eye socket, fractured jaw and extensive bruising to her face, head, arms and body.

A nerve in her cheek was so badly damaged she will never regain feeling in it, and doctors said she was lucky her face didn’t drop as a result.

“The effect has been very dramatic for me, and my partner,” she said in her victim impact statement, prepared for the judge at Southampton Crown Court after Wood admitted causing grievous bodily harm.

“I feel like a recluse and I am very nervous around all people, especially strangers.”

To add to her worries, she and her partner have now been evicted from their home because of the damage Wood caused, losing their deposit in the process.

Her ordeal began when Wood, who was staying at a probation hostel in Landguard Road, Southampton, and two friends – Daniel Hart and another man – picked her up as she worked in the city’s red light district, on July 23.

The four went to her flat, and Wood paid her for sex.

The men left shortly afterwards to get more cash so one of the others could also have sex with the woman, and stocked up on alcohol and cigarettes, which they began sharing with her partner on their return.

But the mood soon turned ugly.

Wood and Hart, 19, of Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth, followed the woman into the kitchen and demanded she return the money they had paid her.

She refused at first, but Wood became increasingly aggressive.

“She was scared so she bent down to give him the money she had hidden in her boot,”

said prosecutor Carl Anderson.

“Whilst she was bent over, Mr Wood hit her over the head with a plate. He then proceeded to punch and kick her repeatedly.”

As the woman cowered on the floor, trying desperately to protect herself with her hands, Hart then stopped her partner entering the room.

After the attack, the trio fled the house. Shortly after they left all the windows at the front of the property were smashed.

Richard Onslow, defending, said his client accepted his actions were “appalling”, and has recognised he has problems with alcohol.

Sentencing Wood to a minimum of three years before he can be considered for release from prison, Judge Gary Burrell QC said he had subjected his victim to a “brutal, sustained and cowardly attack”.

“You were, in my judgement, out of control,” he told Wood, who watched proceedings impassively over a video link from Reading Prison.

“Your record for violence is one of the worst I have seen in this court for one so young.

“You pose such a risk of dangerousness my public duty requires me to sentence you to an indeterminate period of imprisonment for public protection.”

Hart had previously admitted charges of battery and criminal damage, and was sentenced to three months and one month respectively.

The third man faced no charges.