MARATHON: Congratulations to John Ridout, who achieved his best-ever time in the Flora London Marathon, finishing in three hours and eight minutes.

He raised more than £600 for Leukaemia Research.

PHOENIX Club: Meets in the club room at 2.15pm on Wednesday, for a talk and film of gardens of northern France. Come along, enjoy the talk, company and a cup of tea for £1.

JAZZ concert: In the parish church on Saturday, May 14, at 7.30pm.

There will also be recitals from Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas.

Tickets are £6.50, and are available by calling 0118 9700825 and 9700349.

SILCHESTER Players: Present Night Must Fall at 7.30pm on May 14, 15, 21 and 22, in the village hall.

Tickets cost £6, £4 concessions, and are obtained by calling 01635 297164.

FUN Run: Entry forms should arrive by May 6, with an order for your T-shirt too. Entry is £6 per adult, £3 per child and a family entry for £12.

Get your entry in to the Calleva Arms, or 25 Dukes Ride, RG7 2PX.