WALKING for Health: The scheme that has proved to be so successful in Basingstoke has been launched in Tadley.

The walks will start from St Paul's Church, The Green, Tadley, at 1.30pm, and are non-competitive and free of charge.

Walks will take place on the first Friday of each month between May 6 and October 7.

The walks will be led by local volunteers and will take about an hour.

Just turn up on the day wearing comfortable clothing and suitable shoes.

PAMBER Heath Memorial Hall: The management committee is pleased to announce that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council has approved the grant for a new toilet for the disabled. If you are interested in the plans, then contact me on the above number, or talk to a member of the committee.

PAMBER Heath Gardening Club: The spring show was finally held last week!

Although there were not as many daffodils and narcissi on show, the other spring flowers more than made up for this.

Shirley Davis won "Best in Show" for her arrangement of spring flowers, and Dennis Butler won the cup for the most winning entries.

CARERS Together: On Thursday at Hylton Court, Bowmonts Road, Tadley, at noon. Call 01256 353290 or Maggie on 01256 357150.