JUMBLE sale: The next one is on May 7, at 2pm, and is being run by the Andover Road Village Hall committee.

There will be a raffle and a tombola and donations of jumble, bric-a-brac, raffle prizes or tombola items would be most welcome. Help is also required on the day.

Please contact Jean Freeman for more information or if you can help.

FUN Run: Oakley Football Club's annual fun run was held on April 16 and has raised a fantastic amount of money, which will go towards footballs, goals, kits etc.

A penalty shoot-out also took place on the day with winners including Callum Van Dyk in the under-sevens and Stuart Ayling in the under-14s.

Please can all players return sponsor money as soon as possible?

CONTACT me: With any news items or village events which you are planning, by calling the above number, or on my new e-mail address of tlowther@huntswood.com