BAUGHURST parish annual assembly: Held last Thursday, at Heath End Hall, was well attended.

The main reason for this was that the guest speaker was Richard Hague, from Hampshire County Council's highways department, who spoke about various roads in the parish and the possibilities of different types of traffic calming and speed restrictions in the future.

RED Cross first-aid course: The next one is to be held at Tadley Swimming Pool on June 2, 9, 23 and 30.

For further information, or to book a place, call Ann on 0118 9816731.

HEATH End Gardening Club: The monthly meeting of the club will take place Tuesday, May 3, at Heath End Hall, at 8pm.

ELECTION day: Thursday is election day, so don't forget to use your votes for the county council election and the general election. If you don't vote you haven't got the right to complain!

PLEASE call me on the above number or fax 0118 9810679 if you have any news items or information that you would like to be included in this column.