MAY 5: The village hall will be the polling station for this area, for the forthcoming local and general elections.

LADIES Night: On May 10, "Life of a Shepherd" is the theme for this event, which is open to all.

This should prove an interesting evening full of laughs, so bring along your partner and children over 12.

Mr Atkinson is a brilliant raconteur, who will keep you amused.

The entry fee will be £2. Call Lin on 01256 329475 for more details.

3Cs MORNING: On Saturday, May 14, at the village hall, from 10am until noon.

The Brookvale Lottery will be drawn during the morning.

ST GEORGE'S Day: Do you believe we should celebrate our patron saint's day? If you have any special plans for celebrating St George's Day on April 23, please share the details with me.