Eastleigh'S civic chiefs have given the go-ahead for controversial riverside flats in Chandler's Ford.

Despite being rejected two years ago, the plans for 21 apartments on the banks of Monks Brook were approved by Eastleigh councillors at the Chandler's Ford Local Area Committee.

The proposed flats will be in two three-storey blocks at the junction of Winchester Road and Hursley Road, with a raised footpath put in to provide an emergency escape route to the main road in case of flooding.

House-builders Barratt Southampton are now seeking planning permission, which will be subject to landscaping approval and agreement on the route for a future footbridge and public path through the site.

Councillors have long been concerned about the possibility of flooding at the site but voted unanimously in favour of the development after a government-appointed planning inspector overruled their previous decision to reject the plans in 2003.

Councillor John Caldwell said: "We had visions of that site remaining a green area, but what will one see now but a large block of flats?

"As to whether the area will flood - time will tell," he added.