ONE thousand pieces of fruit were dished out to employees at a Hampshire firm in a bid to encourage healthy eating.

Staff at Norwich Union Healthcare in Chandler's Ford were presented with either an apple, banana or orange when they arrived for work on National Health Day.

A total of 600 pieces of fruit were given out at Chilworth House on Hampshire Corporate Park, with deliveries also made at the firm's three other sites in the Southampton area.

Staff were also encouraged to dress down for the day to raise money for Wessex Cancer Trust, the firm's chosen main charity.

Norwich Union spokesman Nicky Bromley said: "We also encouraged staff to swap chocolate for fruit, coffee for juice and to take a walk at lunchtime.

"Our chef cooked up healthy options at lunchtime for the staff and we published health tips and advice on our intranet."

Nicky is pictured above, centre, with fellow members of staff at Norwich Union Healthcare.