SAFETY measures are to be stepped up at a notorious Southampton roundabout next week.

Southampton City Council is working with the Highways Agency to improve road safety at the Redbridge Roundabout - one of the city's worst accident blackspots.

Traffic has frequently come to a standstill after heavy goods vehicles have overturned at the roundabout.

In October, drivers sat in traffic jams and the northbound lanes of the M271 were blocked after a lorry went over on its side during morning rush hour. It was 4pm before it was finally removed.

In November, a 40ft 30-tonne container lorry toppled over at the roundabout as it turned onto the northbound carriageway of the motorway, injuring the driver and scattering debris.

In most cases it has been the narrow width of the exit road coming off the roundabout on to the M271 that has caused lorry drivers difficulties.

Now the problem is set to be fixed.

In a road improvement scheme costing about £20,000 the exit from the roundabout on to the northbound M271 is to be cut for a 100m section from three to two lanes, meaning the two remaining lanes will be wider for heavy vehicles and giving drivers a softer turning.

Road and destination markings are also to be repainted during the work, which will take place daily between 8pm and 6am from Monday.

The scheme is scheduled to last between three and six nights, depending on weather conditions. Sections of the roundabout's roads will be coned off but it will remain open to traffic.

It is anticipated that the work will contribute towards achieving the government's target to reduce road casualties.

Redbridge Residents' Association member Den Lavington said: "I'm pleased to hear that some work is going to be carried out. It's about time.

"I don't know whether it will make any difference - the whole thing has been a right hash-up.

"The roundabout is dangerous. We have long been campaigning for something to be done."

Gary Whittle, commercial manager at one of the region's biggest haulage contractors - Meachers in Southampton - said: "We are encouraged by anything that is being done there. At the moment it is a fast corner, I think changing it to two lanes will make it slower."

A transport engineer for Southampton City Council said: "We are aware that the safety record at this roundabout is not great. I think this will help, but at the end of the day it depends on the driver."