JUNIOR golfers at Bramshott Hill are staging a special competition in memory of Max Barrow, who died at the Oakhaven Hospice in Lymington.

Barrow devoted much of his time to the junior section at the Southampton Waterside club and served on the junior committee last year.

The juniors have invited the whole of the club to compete in the first Max Barrow Memorial Charity Shield on the week starting May 7, and the junior captain will present a cheque to the Oakhaven Hospice on club Captain's Day in July.

Bramshott juniors have also entered two teams in the British Heart Foundation national junior golf tournament. Last year Greg Sutcliffe, Oliver Roe and Dan Stuart were the third highest fundraising team in the south.

Bramshott Hill now have 40 juniors playing regular competitive golf . They were the winners of the Solent Inter Club Junior League in 2004 and reached the southern area regional finals at Merrist Wood, finishing third on the day.

And three members have graduated to the Hampshire Junior School of Excellence.

It's maintaining strong traditions at Bramshott where European Tour players Richard Bland, Martin LeMesurier and Emma Weeks were once junior members.