ANDOVER is to get its very own £1.5 million theatre and cultural centre on the site of the present Cricklade The-atre block.

Test Valley Borough Council leader Ian Carr unveiled the plans for the new centre on Tuesday. It could be up and running by March next year.

He told councillors and invited guests at the presentation on Tuesday that the borough council had agreed in principle to buy the site from the college, although there were still contracts to be agreed and signed.

But he added: "We believe we are in a position to present a project which is not only exciting but which is wholly viable."

Some members of the audience were disappointed the refurbished theatre would still only have in the region of 250 seats - or less.

But Test Valley corporate director Claire Chidley said very few theatres of 500 seats or more were making money. She said the capacity of Cricklade Theatre might well be reduced because the plan involved installing wider, more comfortable, and therefore, fewer seats.

She saw the theatre as a 'loss-leader' with the main income flowing from business plans in other parts of the block.

Earlier Mr Carr said: "This project is going to play a big part in the vision of Andover over the next few years."

For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser.