FOR years they were king and queen of the party scene.

Now after 60 years of marriage, Jim and Peggy Hollis have decided to slow things down a little.

To celebrate their diamond wedding, they opted for a quiet party at home with a few friends and family.

They first saw one another across a crowded dancehall floor in Canterbury, Kent, in 1941 and they married four years later.

Jim said: "We got married in the Easter and went to London for our honeymoon.

"We arrived in the dark and the next morning when we opened our curtains the whole city had been bombed."

But after Peggy left the Land Army and become a full-time mum to their only son, they still continued their party lifestyle.

For ten years they lived in South Africa where Jim worked as a mine surveyor.

The couple then moved to Southampton and now live in Ticonderoga Gardens, Woolston.

Peggy said: "Jim's the placid one and I'm the driver. That's good because it keeps me quiet."

Both agreed that the secret to a happy marriage was to have fun whenever possible.