A POPULAR Test Valley tourist attraction is staging a special open day to help raise cash to build a £7.7 million bicentenary glass house at Wisley Gardens, home of the Royal Horticultural Society.

Anthea and Captain Martin Busk are throwing the gardens of their home, Houghton Lodge, open to the public next Wednesday afternoon. RHS officials helped identify ancient espalier apple varieties at Houghton Lodge and have provided lots of advice to the Busk family on restoration at the gardens.

Mrs Busk said: "I feel the Royal Horticultural Society has done so much to help us and this is an opportunity for us to give something back . The bicentenary glasshouse is going to be of enormous education benefit and it will give people hands-on experience."

The RHS has already raised £5.5million since their Bicentary Appeal was launched last June.

When built, the huge cathedral-like glass complex will cover an area equal to 10 tennis courts and will be about 40ft heigh. It is planned to split the inside into three climatic zones - tropical, moist-temperate and dry temperate.

The giant complex will also provide a setting for a new programme of educational activities.

"This is a huge project and it will be spectacular when built and without a rival," said Mrs Busk.

" Our gardens are looking magnificent at the moment with all the daffodils and other spring flowers. We've got hyacinths by the house and scilla bithynica out by the main drive and they are unusual."

Houghton Lodge Gardens Wisley fundraiser is from 2pm-5pm next Wednesday. Admission cost £5 for adults and children go in free.

The gardens and Hampshire Hydroponicum are normally open to the public every weekday afternoon (except Wednesdays) from 2pm until 5pm until September and at weekends from 10am -5pm.