A Hampshire couple are celebrating 60 years of marital bliss today.

Walter and Irene Drodge met on a double date during the latter stages of the war at the Montagu Arms in Beaulieu.

The couple married just before Mr Drodge was posted overseas in 1945.

According to Mr Drodge, he fell in love with Irene almost as soon as they met. But for Irene, romance blossomed more slowly. She said: "I suppose he just grew on me."

After the war Mr Drodge spent his entire working life at the giant Fawley plant, where he was an operator with Exxon Chemicals.

The pair, both 84, of Rosebery Avenue in Hythe, have two sons, two grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.

They will be celebrating their diamond anniversary with a meal but will be having a larger family gathering on Sunday at their home.

Mr Drodge said the secret of a happy marriage was to always talk over decisions with your partner.

He said: "One of us doesn't make a decision without talking to the other about it."

Mrs Drodge added that the pair had never had a serious row. She said: "It is all about give and take, and you always try to give more than you take."