HAMPSHIRE politicians have spoken of their shock at the crisis facing Hampshire's NHS.

One called for a shake-up in the allocation of government cash - and an MP pointed the finger at bureaucracy stifling the system.

Labour MP John Denham urged healthcare bosses to join forces and tackle the financial hole. Euro MP and Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate for Eastleigh Chris Huhne said: "This letter suggests there is a much more major problem than we have been led to believe."

He claimed that Hampshire receives a fifth less funding that trusts in the north, and called for a meeting with Department of Health bosses to redress the balance.

"There are big increases going through the system, but they are going elsewhere," he said.

"We are facing a clear crisis. We need to have it in the open to make sure government addresses the issue."

Julian Lewis, Conservative MP for New Forest East, claimed that NHS spending on administration and non-clerical staff had increased by 60 per cent in the last five years - and managers and senior managers has been appointed at triple the rate of doctors and nurses.

He said: "It's clear that the NHS in our region is in crisis. The quality of medical care is not being matched by the quality of administration and financial management.

"The solution lies in root and branch reform of this obsolescent and bloated system of bureaucracy."

Mr Denham, Labour MP for Southampton Itchen, said: "The letter confirms what we have been saying. There's huge investment in the NHS, but reforms that are needed to make the best use of the money are long overdue.

"It is now essential that the Strategic Health Authority, the hospital trust and PCTs get together and draw up a clear plan for tackling this issue."

He said once changes in patient care were in place, he could go to government ministers to ask for more money.

"Money has gone in, but there haven't been changes. The strategy has to be in place first."

For more on this story see tonight's Daily Echo