USE it or lose it. That is the clear message from a group of Chandler's Ford residents who have breathed new life into a community hall.

It was only about seven months ago that Belmont Hall was facing a bleak future and in desperate need of a major makeover.

However the community, including local businesses, rallied round and the fortunes of Belmont Hall, which serves the Velmore Estate, have had a remarkable turnaround.

Financial contributions from DIY giant B&Q, which has its national headquarters in Chandler's Ford, and the area's Asda store has led to major improvements, including a new ceiling and carpeting.

A £1,500 grant from Eastleigh Council has gone towards work on providing new toilets.

Belmont Hall committee member and fundraiser Dave Burgess is a cleaner at Eastleigh's Barton Peveril College. Students recently donated almost £100 after staging a popular party game called Twister.

Mr Burgess said they would welcome more fundraising ideas to make sure that the hall, which has been there for more than 50 years, remains the focal point of the community. The hall is already being used by a wide section of the community, from young children to the elderly.

Mr Burgess said: "If you want to keep Belmont Hall, you have got to use it."

Contact Mr Burgess on 023 8036 7630.