A CONTROVERSIAL councillor has quit more than a month after the Daily Echo revealed she had moved 80 miles from the area she was being paid to represent.

Civic chiefs today confirmed they had received a letter of resignation from Conservative member Caroline Watts.

A by-election has been called for Thursday, May 5 for her Winchester City Council seat of Whiteley.

Mother-of-two Mrs Watts, 26, promised to quit three weeks ago, saying a by-election at the same time as the Hampshire County Council elections would save taxpayers money.

She said: "I haven't resigned before because I didn't want to cost the electorate an expensive and unnecessary by-election.

"I also wanted to give my party the chance to find a replacement."

Mrs Watts was criticised by political opponents and residents for not stepping down after moving to Somerset.

She has not attended a single meeting since the start of November.

She came under fire for not making her new contact details publicly available, but continuing to accept £5,589-a-year payment for her role.

But Mrs Watts denied any wrong-doing, telling the Daily Echo she had always been contactable and up to date on Whiteley issues.

A second by-election will take place on the same day following the resignation of Kenneth Oxley as member for Wonston and Micheldever.

The new member for Whiteley will stand until May 2007, while the new Wonston and Micheldever member will stand until May 2006.

Winchester City Council spokesman Ian Hogg said the deadline for nominations for both seats was noon on Thursday, April 7.

Polling stations will be open between 8am and 9pm on the day, with the count taking place at Winchester Guildhall later that evening.