ON FEBRUARY 23, Rotary International celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of Rotary.

Paul Harris held the first meeting with friends in Chicago, USA, and to commemorate this landmark, a service was held at Winchester Cathedral with more than 700 people in attendance.

The achievements and service given to a worldwide community has been phenomenal and Rotary is now looking forward to future challenges.

Last month, a very successful Charity Gala Dinner and Boxing Evening was organised by the Rotary Club of Basingstoke Deane.

More than 400 paying guests from leading local businesses dined and watched a contest between young amateur boxers representing England and Italy.

There were seven contests in all and England won the event 4-3.

More than £24,000 was raised for local charities and plans have already started to stage another international match in 2006.

The Basingstoke Loddon Rotary Club held a very successful Open Evening for people interested in what Rotary is doing locally and this was followed up by a skittles social evening.

Future events include a Charity Spring Walk being held on Sunday, April 10, in the Hannington area, and a casino evening at Old Basing Village Hall on April 2. Both events will be raising funds for local charities.

For further information, please call 01256 468379.