Sir.-What on earth has happened to the Crabtree Plantation?

For years, I have walked through the beautiful, thick forest enjoying the different seasons and watching all the wildlife, only to find, when I returned recently, that pretty much of the forest had been cleared.

It made me feel sick inside - complete butchery sprang to mind.

According to one of the tree surgeons, people have been complaining to the council about branches falling and hitting them or their vehicles.

If this is what the world is coming to, we might as well give up.

For pity's sake people, wake up - you can't expect the council to take responsibility for an act of nature.

So, thanks to whoever and their complaints, you can now enjoy a safe walk around Crabtree on a lovely new woodchip path that once used to be beautiful, graceful trees.

Surely, in this day and age, people should know how important trees are.

-Druid Mossup, Woodlands, Basingstoke.