Sir.-Are the "powers that be" trying to halt all traffic in Basingstoke?

I live in Worting and travel to work in Kingsclere Road (close to the railway station), normally via Roman Road.

However, there are two sets of traffic lights and roadworks on this road - and have been there since October - so my next choice of route is the ring road.

I now discover, after sitting in a traffic jam, that there is one lane closed on the West Ham roundabout.

The only other route available is via Winklebury Way with its frustrating pinchpoints - these are placed on junctions and are, in my opinion, an accident waiting to happen. This type of road calming will only work if used correctly by courteous drivers.

Continuing my tortuous journey to work, travelling past Lansing Linde there was yet another set of traffic lights at roadworks.

Does the county council plan roadworks to cause maximum disturbance to drivers?

It certainly seems like it from my driving seat!

-Name and address withheld.