DO YOU provide care or support for a relative, friend or neighbour?

Do you need information, support or an opportunity to talk about your concerns, signposting to other services or access to free training in your role as a carer?

If so, call the free, independent, confidential, impartial, supportive and non-judgemental listening line, from 9am to 11pm, seven days a week on 08000 323456.

BUMPER Easter whist drive: On Monday, at 7.30pm, at the Memorial Hall on The Green.

Entrance is £2 and there will be lots of prizes.

CAMEO: On April 6, at 7.30pm, at The Salvation Army, Mulfords Hill, come along and bring your friends to the inaugural meeting of the CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) group for an interesting evening presented by TADS (a local history group).

Entrance is £1, to include refreshments.

For more information, contact Ann Emery on 0118 9810789.

CHURCHES Together Around Tadley: Will be holding the annual Walk of Witness on Good Friday.

It will start at Tadley Library at 10am and finish at the United Reformed Church for worship at about 11am.

There will be stops on route for meditation.

Tea, coffee and hot cross buns will be served after the 11am service.

CAN you spare a few hours a month?

Do you live in the Tadley, Baughurst, Silchester and Pamber Heath area?

Have you thought of being a community responder?

The aim of a responder is to get to a scene within four to five minutes and sustain the life of a patient or make them comfortable until an ambulance arrives.

Full training is given.

For further information, either visit or call 07719 701796.

Your help could make the difference.