SCOUTS and Cubs: Bramley Cubs and young Scouts had a trip to HMS Belfast for a sleepover for a night at half-term.

The boys slept in the original sailors' mess decks and learned a lot about life on board the ship.

They also did a walking tour of the main tourist sites, followed by a trip to the Imperial War Museum, where they looked around the "Great Escapes" exhibition.

On February 20, the Scouts and Cubs helped at the Bramley road race by giving out water to the runners outside the school.

The boys worked very hard and the organisers appreciated the help.

If you are an adult and would like to be involved in Scouting in Bramley, call group Scout leader Tracey Grigoleit on 01256 883146.

BRAMLEY 0-5 Club: Starting on April 5, the club will meet in the British Legion hall. This is a temporary move while refurbishment is carried out at the cricket pavilion.

Any enquiries should be made to Anne Kellard on 882633.

PARISH council: The next meeting is in the village hall, at 7.30pm on Monday.

BRAMLEY Show: The annual show will be held on Saturday, August 27, and, as a fundraiser for the event, it is hoped to hold an open gardens day on July 10.

Six gardens are needed. If you are willing to have people look around and admire your garden, contact Anne on 881691 or Pat on 881509.