Sir.-In response to the issues raised by J Alves in the recent letter, "Concern over store plans", Sainsbury's wishes to make the following points.

In terms of product availability, Sainsbury's appointed Lawrence Christensen as supply chain director in September 2004.

His team has been working on improving product availability across the store portfolio, including Tadley, which has been trading for just over a year.

This has involved work to streamline our supply chain systems, processes and procedures in order to maximise availability and improve the overall service to all our stores.

The results of this work are currently being rolled out.

With regard to additional development at Tadley, we are keen to improve our customer offer at the store and we are considering all options to achieve this in the context of the site's location within the defined district centre and the policy allocation in the Local Plan.

The store began trading in February 2004 following the extension and refurbishment of the previous Budgens store.

Trading patterns are now settled and Sainsbury's intends to discuss with key local stakeholders, including Tadley Town Council, to obtain their views on future development.

We have no intention of submitting a planning application until potential options have been discussed with those stakeholders and the borough council.

-A Sainsbury's representative.