NICK Lee, a senior financial planning manger with Hampshire-based business advisors Grant Thornton, is pictured here with a new tax guide published by the firm.

He said successive government announcements on the crackdown of tax avoidance schemes may have frightened people into thinking that tax planning is now an illegal


The guide stresses that planning is now more vital than ever.

It gives a comprehensive run-down on the reliefs, allowances and exemptions which can be used before the end of the tax year on April 5, a date which Nick believes, should be marked in everyone's diary.

Nick said: "It is vital that everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to reduce the amount of tax they pay by as much as possible.

"This guide contains something for everyone from saving through the use of ISAs, gifts to charities to annual exemptions for capital gains and inheritance tax."

The guide also includes sections on income tax, company cars, tax shelters, family protection and pensions.

To get a copy, contact Grant Thornton's Lorraine Langridge on 01489 864231.