FURIOUS residents in Ashley believe they have been railroaded into a scheme to build a £48,000 playground next to their homes.

Neighbours in Melrose Court fear their lives will be further blighted by gangs of nuisance teenagers who already congregate at Ashley Sports Ground.

Youngsters regularly hurl bottles or stones at their properties, ride scooters across the field and shout obscenities into the early hours.

Melrose Court residents, many of whom are elderly, believe their objections were ignored by councillors.

Brian Taylor, who has lived at Melrose Court since it was built in 1969, said: "We are not anti-kids, we are just angry."

A spokesman for New Milton Town Council said: "The consultation process was carried out in a democratic and transparent manner.

"The council is disappointed that a project championed by the young people of Ashley should attract some adverse criticism.

"New Milton Town Council has a reputation for being honest and open in all its business and dealings with the parish."