FIRST-aid course: The Red Cross is holding a basic first-aid course at the swimming pool, starting on Thursday, April 7, for four weeks, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, and it will cost £30 for the course.

Also, the Red Cross is looking for some help with collecting at Sainsbury's on May 5, 6 and 7, even if it's only for a couple of hours.

For further information on the first-aid course or the collecting, call Ann on 0118 9816731.

I FINISH this week's article on a very sad note: Last Friday, I visited the swimming pool at 8.30pm, only to find that about 30 youths had congregated outside the front door and nearby, shouting obscene language and making various offensive gestures to both staff and users of the pool.

So that it could be dealt with, all the staff had to go to reception, which meant that all those who were in the pool or about to get in had to leave the pool for about 20 minutes while the police were called.

I understand that this was the second time they had to visit that night.

The behaviour of that group of youths was appalling.

I am a parent, and I don't always know where my children are, but please let's put a stop this type of bad behaviour now.

The swimming pool is there for all to enjoy and they should be able to enjoy it without having to suffer.