INSPECTORS have praised a Southampton infant school for its quality of teaching.

They found pupils were very well behaved and achieved well at Freemantle C of E Infant School.

The inspection team from schools watchdog Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Eduction) spent three days at the 180-pupil school in Mansion Road.

Head teacher Kevin Barnett, who took over in April 2003, said: "The report acknowledges the fact that we are a school which continues to improve.

"We are proud of the achievements of our staff and pupils and look forward to further extending this work.

"We will continue to look at further enhancement of the curriculum and the provision we offer our children."

Chairman of governors Sue Osment said: "The governing body is very pleased with the report.

"It reflects the great strides the school has made under the new head teacher."

Inspectors recommended that the school boost attendance levels.

A new scheme introduced in May last year has already proved successful in reducing the number of parents who take their children on holiday during term-time.

Now parents must attend a leave of absence interview with the head teacher before removing their children from school in term-time to go on holiday.

Mr Barnett said no holiday requests had been made since the interview arrangements were introduced.


It is a good school.

All pupils achieve well and enjoy their lessons immensely.

The quality of teaching and learning is good.

Leadership and management are good overall.

The head teacher provides very good leadership.

Pupils behave very well and have very positive attitudes.

Children are given a good start in the foundation stage.

Extra-curricular clubs, visits and visitors enrich the curriculum very well.

The provision for pupils with special educational needs is good.


Standards in English are below average.

Subject leaders play too small a role in strategic planning to raise standards and achievement.

Levels of attendance are too low.


Pupils' achievement in maths, science, information and communication technology and religious education in Year 2 are good.

Achievements in reading and writing are satisfactory.

Standards in Year 2 are above average in science, information and communication technology and religious education, above average in maths, and below average in reading and writing.

Pupils' personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is very good.

Pupils are enthusiastic, very well behaved and work hard.


Raise standards and achievements in English.

Strengthen the role of subject leaders in raising standards and achievement.

Increase rates of attendance among pupils.

FACTFILE:Freemantle C of E Infant School, Mansion Road, Freemantle, Southampton

Head teacher: Kevin Barnett

Number on roll: 180 aged four to seven.