KIDS had a great time on their bikes at Odiham Moto Park during the half-term holiday.

Young motocross enthusiasts had the chance to test their skills last Wednesday at the controversial track at Down Farm, just outside Odiham.

It was their last chance this season to use the track, designed by former British motocross champion Greg Hanson, before owner Robert Benford ploughs up the field to grow crops.

Mr Benford, who was delighted with the turnout last week, said: "We had a super day with about 65 kids turning up, with dads having a go too.

"I am sure The Gazette's article about our open day the week before, on February 9, helped, as we had new people that we hadn't seen before."

The track has been dogged by concerns about noise and environmental issues.

In June last year, the former Hart District Council leader and ex-councillor for Odiham won an appeal against a noise abatement order after the council turned down his application to run a motocross track.

Mr Benford, who had to comply with strict restrictions, is only allowed to open the track from 10am until 5pm, stopping for an hour's lunch, 20 Saturdays and eight weekdays each year.

"It has been a good season and I think we've done a good job by getting some of the kids off the street," said Mr Benford.

"We've had hundreds of people using the track who have enjoyed their sport at no expense to the public purse.

"If we can get ready on time, it will be open again on the first Saturday of September."