NUMERICA has scooped a pair of contracts in eastern Europe worth more than £2m.

The company, which employs 120 people in Southampton, will provide training for 2,140 Polish government financial staff in a deal worth more than £1m.

The project, which is co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish government, means the firm will open a Warsaw office and employ a bilingual office manager and assistant.

A second deal, worth just under £1m, sees Numerica provide not only training but also hands-on assistance to the internal audit staff of the Romanian government.

A senior member of Numerica's Risk and Assurance team will reside in Bucharest for 12 months and lead an office of three Numerica bilingual local staff.

Phil Tarling, director of Numerica Risk and Assurance, said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for Numerica and the internal audit staff to pass on their skills and knowledge in a training situation. The fact that in the competition for both contracts we beat the major international accountancy firms says a lot for our quality and ability."