EVERGREENS: The Evergreens' February meeting, held recently, was the AGM.

Jean Wright said: "The committee remains the same, except we have one new member, as Cynthia Turvey decided to stand down.

"We ended the afternoon with a game of bingo."

The Evergreens are looking forward to their March meeting, when they will have a speaker.

NWR: An American evening was the theme of the February meeting for Sherfield NWR.

Held at Terry Raisborough's house (which was decorated with American flags) the group enjoyed a supper of special American dishes and this was followed by a quiz about American presidents.

The next NWR meeting is all about blue (sapphire), celebrating the 45th anniversary of NWR.

For further details, call Gill on 882106.

PARISH council: Following the parish council meeting on February 9, the clerk reports the following.

WPc Jewell would welcome new volunteers for the Neighbourhood Watch.

A new kitchen will be installed in the village hall from February 28.

There has been only one suggestion received for how to spend the Calor prize money. Other ideas from local village groups would be welcomed.

New playground equipment should be installed before Easter.

The annual parish meeting will be held on Friday, May 20, at 8pm.

The next parish council meeting is on Wednesday, March 9.