POST-Pancake Day: The parish Lenten Study Group is continuing apace with three more sessions scheduled.

These are next Tuesday, and March 1 and 8, in the old Rectory, Vicarage Lane, Mattingley, led by Peter Hewlett-Smith, starting at 7.30pm for 8pm.

This year the studies and open discussions will be on the topic of Attitudes, based on a book of that title - copies are available.

Make Lent mean something more than just giving up chocolate - do come along!

CLEANLINESS is next to godliness: The church cleaning rota still needs help to maintain our godly state.

More volunteers means everyone's stint only comes up once or twice a year.

Please call Barbara Platt on 762243 for an informal chat.

STAMP out cot death: Please keep saving your used stamps for Anna Cromwell, who is collecting them for The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths.

She's been given quite a few but would like loads more.

Stamps can be left labelled in the churches or dropped by my front door.

Thanking you in advance.