NEW Brownie Pack: Is hoping to start after Easter, for girls age seven to nine years old, and will meet at Old Down Hall, Gabriel Park, on Tuesdays, from 6pm to 7.20pm.

If you are interested, contact Joy Taylor on 354421.

Also, if there are girls who are not yet seven, but would like to join, they can also get in touch.

JUMBLE sale: Wessex Cancer Trust Basingstoke Group is having its annual jumble and bric-a-brac sale at Kempshott Village Hall on Saturday, March 5, at 1.30pm.

There will be a selection of good quality china, clothes, household goods, toys, books and so on.

Admission costs 25p. Refreshments with filled rolls and home-made cakes will be available, so just come along for a cup of tea and a piece of cake and browse if you like!

The charity raises money for cancer-related projects in the Basingstoke area.

If you would like more information about the charity, or can help in any way, contact Judith Blaza on 01256 462896.

OLD Down Hall: There are Wednesday and Friday evenings, plus Saturday daytime slots, available for groups to use.

The AGM is to be held on Wednesday, March 2, at 7.30pm.

The pre-school has a few vacancies.

Contact Lorraine for more details on 356974.

TRAVEL tokens: Will be distributed at Kempshott Village Hall next Friday, February 25, between 9am and 3pm.

Kempshott NeighbourCare (KANCARE) will be there providing tea, coffee and a chance to have a natter.

For more information about KANCARE, call 474147.