NOMINATIONS: If you would like to put yourself forward as an Ellisfield parish councillor, now is the time to do it.

Nomination papers can be obtained from the parish clerk, Jacqui Matthews, on 381149, or from the borough's electoral services department on 844844.

You will need to be able to attend 10 evening meetings a year. These are normally held on the first Monday of the month, start at 7.30pm and last for around two hours.

Basically, the role of the council is to act as a conduit from, and to, outside agencies (such as the borough and county councils) and to ensure that village amenities are looked after.

If you are interested and would like to find out more, contact either Jacqui or myself, or talk to one of the other councillors - Caroline Cazenove, on 381279, Steven Gould, on 381471, or Tim Guinness, on 381348.

VOLUNTEERS: The AGM and social of the Ellisfield Volunteer Group will be on Monday, February 28.

Details are on all noticeboards.

PARISH meeting: The date for this annual Ellisfield event, which is followed by a social, has been set for Friday, April 22.

It will be held in the Memorial Hall, starting at 8pm.

Representatives from all village organisations will be there.

Do please put the date it in your diary.

FARLEIGH: I really need someone in Farleigh Wallop who will let me know of anything that needs to be in this column.

Please contact me on the above number.